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Undergraduate Admission and Graduation Requirements
Undergraduate students are admitted directly to the College of Business and Public Administration (CBA), provided they have declared a major in Business Administration, Computer Information Systems or Public Administration. Students admitted to the College must meet the following requirements:
- All CBA majors are required to earn a grade of "C" or better in all their CBA courses. Only one grade of "D" in a CBA course will be allowed.
- Transfer students must meet the same admission standards as resident students. Transfer credit will be accepted when approved by the Dean of the College for courses comparable to those offered by the University.
- Credit will be transferred from community or junior colleges for CBA lower-level courses (courses numbered 200 or below). Exceptions, however, may be granted in accordance with particular state-wide or inter-institution articulation agreements.
- Transfer credit will be given for a maximum of 50 percent of the total business course credit hours required to earn a degree in Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, or Public Administration. Total business course credit hours include all Common Body of Knowledge course and all major courses.
- Satisfy all University admission requirements.
Graduation Requirements
Each student must satisfy the following requirements to graduate with a Bachelor degree from the college:
- Complete an approved program of study in the College with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Except as noted below, complete each course taken in the College with a grade of "C" or higher. (A grade of "D" will be accepted for a maximum of one non-major/concentration business course taken in the College.)
- Complete 60 hours of volunteer/community service, in accordance with University requirements.
- Pass an Exit Examination in the student's major field of study
- Satisfy all University graduation requirements.