Faculty and Staff Directory
AHSS = Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building
BAB = Bashful Administration Building
CBA = College of Business & Public Administration
CEHD = College of Education and Human Development
CC = Conference Center
HPE = Health & Physical Education Building
HOUS = Housing / Residential Life
ITC = Information Technology Center
LCMC = Lake Campus Multipurpose Complex
LIB = Leonard S. Washington Memorial Library
MB = Maintenance Building
MCSSWB = Millie M. Charles School of Social Work Building
NATSCI = Natural Sciences Building
SBI = Small Business Incubator Building
UC = University Center
Name | Title | Phone | |
Abdul-Salaam, Connie, M.A. | Assistant Professor | csalaam@suno.edu | 504-286-5219 |
Adams, Bruce, M.S. | Chief of Police | badams@suno.edu | 504-284-5432 |
Adegboye, David S., Ph.D. | Professor of Biology | dadegboye@suno.edu | 504-286-5097 |
Ahmed, Saleh | Coordinator (Administrative) | sahmed@suno.edu | |
Alexander, Camille | Administrative Specialist/Supervisor/Budget Manager, Social Work | calexander@suno.edu | 504-284-5453 |
Alijani, David, Ph.D. | Professor and Chair of Computer Information Systems | dalijani@suno.edu | 504-286-5142 |
Altamirano, Marco | Professor, English/ Director, Writing Center | maltamirano@suno.edu | |
Amedee, George, Ph.D. | Emmett Bashful Endowed Chair and Professor, Political Science | gamedee@suno.edu | 504-286-5392 |
Ammons Jr., James H., Ph.D. | Chancellor | ChancellorsOffice@suno.edu | 504-286-5311 |
Anderson, Nakia | Nursing Academic Advisor | NAnderson@suno.edu | 504-286-5028 |
Aperwhite, Tiffany | Forensic Science Lab Tech | TAperwhite@suno.edu | 504-286-5135 |
Arara, Ahmed | Temporary Full-Time Assistant Professor | AArara@suno.edu | 504-286-5172 |
Atteia, Bashir, Ph.D. | Professor of Biology | batteia@suno.edu | 504-284-5405 |
Atwell, Charles | Reference Librarian/ Asst. Professor | CAtwell@suno.edu | 504-286-5222 |
Ayala, Karla | Library Specialist, Library | kayala@suno.edu | 504-286-5385 |
Azzarello, Robert, Ph.D. | Associate Professor and English Program Coordinator | razzarello@suno.edu | 504-286-5060 |
Bachus, Sherry, Ph. D. | Child Development and Family Studies Chair/Director and AAFCS Accreditation Coordinator | sbachus@suno.edu | 504-286-5334 |
Ballard, Jairus MHI, RHIA, CLT, CTR | HIMS Program Director/Assistant Professor | JBallard@suno.edu | (504) 286-5083 |
Barrilleaux, John, MME, RHIA | APAR Coordinator/Assistant Professor | JBarrilleaux@suno.edu | (504) 286-5095 |
Beaulieu, Cynthia K., B.A. | Director, Small Business Development and Management Institute | cbeaulieu@suno.edu | 504-286-5032 |
Beaulieu, Samantha, M.B.A. | Academic Success/Coordinator/Student Success Coach | sbeaulieu@suno.edu | 504-284-5493 |
Belmasrour, Rachid, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Mathematics | rbelmasrour@suno.edu | 504-286-5116 |
Bocage, David | Associate Director/Academic Coach | dgbocage@suno.edu | |
Bolds,Monchielle PhD(c), RN, CNE | Instructor of Nursing | mbolds@suno.edu | (504) 286-5144 |
Bonneé III, Peter | Chief Information Officer | pbonnee@suno.edu | 504-286-5038 |
Bordenave, Diane, Ed.D. | Assessment Coordinator / Associate Professor, Child Development and Family Studies | dbordenave@suno.edu | 504-286-5204 |
Boskent, Jasmine | Tutor | jboskent@suno.edu | 504-762-1277 |
Boudoin, Jada, MBA | Associate Director of Admissions, Recruitment, and Transfer Services | jboudoin@suno.edu | 504-286-5315 |
Bowman-Sims, Breyale | Help Desk Technician | bbowman@suno.edu | 504-286-5254 |
Briggs, Charles, Ph.D. | Professor, Business Administration | cbriggs@suno.edu | 504-286-5173 |
Brooks, Briana | Admissions Counselor | bbrooks@suno.edu | 504-286-5084 |
Brown, Kyra C. | Coordinator, Career Services | kcbrown@suno.edu | 504-286-5347 |
Broussard, Laci | Online Instructional Designer | lbroussard@suno.edu | 504-286-5006 |
Brown, Kevin | Associate Professor, Social Work | kbrown@suno.edu | 504-286-5052 |
Brown, Ria | Administrative Assistant III | rbrown@suno.edu | 504-286-5141 |
Brumfield, Cayonna | Police Sergeant A | cbrumfield@suno.edu | 504-284-5437 |
Bruno, Shane | Director of Institutional Research | sbruno@suno.edu | 504-284-5539 |
Bryant, Louis | Maintenance Repairer 2 | lbryant@suno.edu | |
Burrell, Jada | Community Outreach Advisor | jburrell@suno.edu | |
Byrd, Steven | Professor-English (Full-Time Temporary) | sbyrd@suno.edu | |
Cains, Deborah, Ph.D. | English Instructor | dcains@suno.edu | n/a |
Cambre, Veronica | Payroll Coordinator | vcambre@suno.edu | 504-286-5133 |
Cantrell, Harry | Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Pre-Law Advisor | hcantrel@suno.edu | 504-286-5540 |
Carson, Celina P., Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Child Development and Family Studies, Institutional Accreditation Liaison for SACS-COC | ccarson@suno.edu | 504-286-5042 |
Carter, Kimberly | Custodian 1 | kcarter@suno.edu | |
Carter, Ruth | Custodian Supervisor B | rcarter@suno.edu | 504-286-5260 |
Chaisson, Rebecca, Ph.D., LCSW | Dean of Social Work / Associate Professor | rchaisson@suno.edu | 504-286-5378 |
Charles, Dwenda | Administrative Professional | dcharles@suno.edu | 504-286-5134 |
Clement, Christian, Ph.D., MPhil | Professor of Microbiology/Immunology and Chair Dept. of Natural Sciences | cclement@suno.edu | 504-284-5406 |
Clipps, Joyce Scott | Admin Coord 4, Office of Student Financial Aid | jclipps@suno.edu | 504-286-5270 |
Coleman, Leslie | Asst. Registrar | lcoleman@suno.edu | 504-286-5177 |
Cook, Bree E., Ph. D. | Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs | bcook@suno.edu | |
Cooper, Sheridan X., J. D. | Director for Compliance (Title IX & ADA) | scooper@suno.edu | 504-286-5362 |
Coulon, Kendal | Office Manager/Institutional Advancement/Facility Rental Management | kcoulon@suno.edu | 504-286-5129 |
Craft, Gwendolyn | Administrative Professional | gcraft@suno.edu | 504-284-5403 |
Darby, Deborah, Ph.D | Assistant Professor, Elementary Education | ddarby@suno.edu | 504-286-5041 |
Davis, Shrylin | Director, Grants & Contracts | sdavis@suno.edu | 504-286-5249 |
Delaney, Raymond M., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice | rdelaney@suno.edu | 504-286-5367 |
Dent, Matthew | Accountant 1 | mdent@suno.edu | 504-286-5132 |
Donald, Charles | Maintenance Repairer I | cdonald@suno.edu | |
Dorsey, Kevin | Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach | ||
Douresseaux, Laura, MSHCM, CHPS, RHIA | Assistant Professor / Clinical Coordinator, Health Information Management Systems | ldouresseaux@suno.edu | 504-286-5091 |
Doyle-Johnston, Marguerite | Executive Assistant, Academic Affairs | MJohnston@suno.edu | 504-286-5381 |
Dumas, Rongelic | Administrative Professional | rdumas@suno.edu | 504-286-5148 |
Dunn, Angela | Benefit Manager | adunn@suno.edu | 504-286-5279 |
Echols, Kimberly | Registrar | kechols@suno.edu | 504-286-5176 |
Ederouich, Aimane | Data Scientist, Director, Institutional Research | AEderouich@suno.edu | n/a |
Eid, Haitham, Ph.D. | Director / Associate Professor, Museum Studies | heid@suno.edu | 504-286-5010 |
Ekaidi, Ibrahim, M.D. | Professor of Biology | iekaidi@suno.edu | 504-286-5110 |
Elaasar, Mostafa, Ph.D. | Professor of Physics | melaasar@suno.edu | 504-286-5036 |
Eweni, Samuel, Ph.D. | Associate Professor / Developer, Computer Information Systems | seweni@suno.edu | 504-286-5268 |
Falik, Adam, M.F.A. | Associate Professor, College of Arts and Sciences | afalik@suno.edu | 504-286-5012 |
Faulkner, Tina | IT Security Administrator/Trainer, Information Technology Center/Title III Programs | tfaulkner@suno.edu | 504-284-5545 |
Fleury, Eric | Assistant Baseball Coach | efleury@suno.edu | |
Fontenot, Judith | Benefit Invoicing Specialist | ||
Ford, Gregory | Associate Professor Biology | gford@suno.edu | 504-286-5327 |
Foy, Ava | Director, Grants & Contracts | afoy@suno.edu | 504-286-5397 |
Foy, Kenneth, D.Min. | Associate Professor, Psychology | kfoy@suno.edu | 504-286-5372 |
Frederick, Linda D., M.A. | Executive Director of Collegiate Programs, Student Support Services | lfrederick@suno.edu | 504-286-5106 |
Freeman, Derrick, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Social Work | dfreeman@suno.edu | 504-286-5079 |
Freeman, Heather | Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Success/Director of University College | heather.freeman@sus.edu | 504-286-5128 |
Garrett Washington, Atia | Executive Director of Admissions | azwashington@suno.edu | 504-286-5318 |
Gaillard, Laurie | Coordinator of Technical Services / Assistant Professor | lgaillard@suno.edu | 504-286-5364 |
Gatlin, Shaii | University College Student Success Coach | sgatlin@suno.edu | 504-286-5337 |
Gibson, Alonda | Payroll Accountant 2, Comptroller's Office | agibson@suno.edu | 504-286-5021 |
Green, Janel | Comptroller | JGreen@suno.edu | 504-286-5131 |
Green, William | Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director/ Men’s Assistant Coach | Wgreen@suno.edu | |
Grimaldi, Brandi | Instructor Cybersecurity | bgrimaldi@suno.edu | 504-286-5277 |
Guerin, Terrie | SBDMI Business Advisor | tguerin@suno.edu | 504-284-5513 |
Guidry, Cora | Office Manager, Title III | cguidry@suno.edu | 504-286-5274 |
Guidry, Melina | Custodian | mguidry@suno.edu | |
Hagans, Myesha | Desktop Support Technician | mhagans@suno.edu | 504-284-5531 |
Hall, Eliska | Office Assistant, Upward Bound | ehall@suno.edu | 504-286-5280 |
Harris, David | Criminal Investigator | dharris@suno.edu | 504-284-5433 |
Harris, Marvin | Assistant Director, Facility Operations & Maintenance | mharris@suno.edu | |
Heath, Panagiota "Penney", Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Mathematics | pheath@suno.edu | 504-286-5149 |
Hegwood, Jenita C., Ed.D. | Assistant Professor, Elementary Education, Director, Student Teaching / Field Experience | jhegwood@suno.edu | 504-286-5353 |
Hemingway, Nakeshia | University College Student Success Coach | nhemingway@suno.edu | 504-286-5201 |
Henry, Krystal | Nursing Instructor | Khenry@suno.edu | |
Herring, Kassidy | Assistant Director/Academic Coordinator | kherring@suno.edu | 504-286-5078 |
Hervey, Eurmon | Associate Professor | ehervey@suno.edu | 504-286-5019 |
Hilaire, Jourdan | Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life & Housing | jhilaire@suno.edu | 504-286-5229 |
Hollis, Sara, D.A.H. | Professor, Museum Studies | shollis@suno.edu | 504-284-5511 |
Holmes, Darlene | Administrative Assistant III, Center for African and African American Studies | dholmes@suno.edu | 504-286-5154 |
Hurst, Monique | Program Coordinator Title IV-E | mhurst@suno.edu | 504-286-5377 |
Jack Jr., Lenus, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, History | ljack@suno.edu | 504-286-5157 |
Jackson, Albert | Operating Engineer Ii | ajackson@suno.edu | 504-286-5296 |
Jackson, Brenda L., Ph.D. | Vice-Chancellor for Research and Strategic Initiatives / Executive Director of Title III Programs, Title III Programs | bjackson@suno.edu | 504-286-5274 |
Jackson, Scottie | Instructor Cybersecurity | sojackson@suno.edu | 504-286-5357 |
Jamison, Bruce | Police Officer 2A | bjamison@suno.edu | |
Johnson, Akeva | Associate Director/Postsecondary Education Advisor | ajohnson@suno.edu | 504-286-5370 |
Johnson, Brooklyn | Assistant Professor | bjohnson@suno.edu | 504-286-5140 |
Johnson, Carl P., Ph.D. | Professor of Chemistry and Chair | cjohnson@suno.edu | 504-284-5461 |
Johnson, Donica | Academic Coordinator, Upward Bound | dljohnson@suno.edu | 504-286-5283 |
Johnson, Ivan | Assistant Director, Financial Aid | ijohnson@suno.edu | 504-284-5436 |
Johnson, Juliette B. | Assistant to the Chancellor/Scholarship Coordinator | JJohnson@suno.edu | 504-286-5311 |
Johnson, Kimberly | Assistant Director, Grants & Contracts | kmjohnson@suno.edu | 504-284-5497 |
Johnson, Zackeus | Vice-Chancellor, Enrollment Management and Student Success | zackeus.johnson@sus.edu | |
Jones, Katina | Human Resource Analyst | kajones@suno.edu | 504-286-5271 |
Jones, Kendria E. | Student Support Services/Study Skills Coordinator | kjones@suno.edu | 504-286-5126 |
Jones, Victoria | Counselor | ||
Jones, Warren, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Philosophy | wjones@suno.edu | 504-286-5186 |
Jones III, Willie, Ed.D. | Dean, College of Education and Human Development, NCATE-CAPE Coordinator for Accreditation, Reaffirmation and Review of Academic Programs, and Co-Director of the Center for Certification and Teacher Quality | wijones@suno.edu | 504-284-5520 |
Jordan, Edward | Police Officer 2A | ejordan@suno.edu | |
Joseph, Pauline | Police Sergeant | pajoseph@suno.edu | 504-286-5288 |
Kambhampati, Murty, Ph.D | Professor of Biology | mkambham@suno.edu | 504-286-5069 |
Kim, Dr. Heon | Associate Professor of Mathematics | hkim@suno.edu | 504-286-5146 |
Kwun, Obyung | Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems | okwun@suno.edu | 504-286-5137 |
Lee, Brenda | Admin Assistant 5, Chancellor's Office | brussell@suno.edu | n/a |
Lee, Kivia | Residential Life Coordinator | klee@suno.edu | 504-286-5226 |
Lee, Reashell L. | Database Analyst | rlee@suno.edu | 504-286-5183 |
Lee, Yun Doo | Associate Professor, College of Business | ylee@suno.edu | 504-286-5143 |
Lee-Hubbard, Shantel | Chief Disbursement Officer | shubbard@suno.edu | 504-286-5004 |
Legohn-Tubbs, Cheryl | Director, Veteran Affairs & Community Resource Manager | ctubbs@suno.edu | 504-286-5365 |
Leibfritz, Annalyn | Grant Accountant | aleibfritz@suno.edu | 504-286-5320 |
Lewis, Alex | Adjunct Professor, Forensic Science | alexolewis@gmail.com | n/a |
Lewis, Christopher | Library Specialist | clewis@suno.edu | 504-286-5332 |
Lewis, Dr. Deneen | Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Program and Enhancement of the General Studies Program | dlewis@suno.edu | 504-284-5412 |
Logan, Claudell | Police Officer 2A | clogan@suno.edu | 504-284-5433 |
Lynch, Layton | Property and Safety Manager | llynch@suno.edu | 504-286-5297 |
Magee, Gerard | Maintenance Repairer Master | gmagee@suno.edu | |
Manuel, Errol | Asst. Baseball Coach | emanuel@suno.edu | |
Manuel, Marilyn | Purchasing Director, Purchasing Dept. | mmanuel@suno.edu | 504-286-5020 |
Marinov, Dr. Tchavdar | Professor of Mathematics | tmarinov@suno.edu | 504-286-5145 |
Marshall, Dr. Douglas, PHD | Professor, Communication/English | dmarshall@suno.edu | 504-286-5013 |
Martin, Karen, Ph.D., LMSW | Assistant Professor, Social Work | kmartin@suno.edu | 504-286-5053 |
Martin, Keli | Office Manager | kamartin@suno.edu | 504-286-5351 |
Martin, Michelle | Administrative Assistant, HIMS | mimartin@suno.edu | 504-286-5099 |
Matthews III, James A. | Director of Athletics, Head Men's Basketball Coach | athletics@suno.edu | 504-286-5197 |
McCray, Nykia | Assistant Director of Admissions | nmccray@suno.edu | 504-286-5087 |
McGee, Sharon, MS, RHIA | Clinical Coordinator/Assistant Professor | smcgee@suno.edu | 504-286-5098 |
Mckenney, Holly | Associate Professor | n/a | n/a |
Meyers, Carolyn | Custodian I | cmeyers@suno.edu | |
Mills, Dr. Chester | Associate Professor, English | cmills@suno.edu | 504-286-5124 |
Mims-Devezin, Lisa, Ph.D | Professor of Biology, Former Chancellor | lmims@suno.edu | 504-286-5064 |
Monday, Treniese | Instructor, School of Nursing | tmonday@suno.edu | 504-286-5061 |
Montegut, Claude | Assistant Professor, Social Work | cmontegut@suno.edu | 504-286-5058 |
Moore, Leasha | Associate Dean of Students & Director of Student Leadership and Engagement | lmoore@suno.edu | 504-286-5374 |
Morgan, Damekia, D.S.W. | Assistant Professor, Social Work | dmorgan@suno.edu | 504-286-5077 |
Mosby-Wilson, Shatiqua | Director, University Library and Enhancing Library Academic Research and Services | swilson@suno.edu | 504-286-5225 |
Murray, Jill E. | Associate Professor, Social Work | jmurray@suno.edu | 504-286-5373 |
Nelson, Gerard | Custodian 1 | gnelson@suno.edu | |
Noble, Nyla Ceaser | Counselor, Interdisciplinary Studies | nnoble@suno.edu | 504-286-5105 |
Nunnery, Erica | Director of Certification Residency/Assistant Professor | enunnery@suno.edu | 504-284-5462 |
Oaks, Gary, M.F.A. | Assistant Professor, Fine Arts | goaks@suno.edu | 504-286-5208 |
Ochillo, Michelle | Open Education Resource Librarian | mhochillo@suno.edu | 504-286-5223 |
Ojo, Ashley Phd. | Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Psychology Department | Aojo@suno.edu | 504-286-5078 |
Okpechi, Simeon | Associate Professor, Accounting | sokpechi@suno.edu | 504-286-5305 |
Olubadewo, Joseph, Ph.D | Professor of Biology | jolubadewo@suno.edu | 504-286-5109 |
Omojola, Dr. Joe | Professor of Mathematics and Physics, James and Ruth Smith Endowed Professor of Science | jomojola@suno.edu | 504-286-5096 |
Paige,Kimberly MRC, LRC, PLPC, CRC | Director of Counseling Center & University Counselor | KPaige@suno.edu | 504 286 - 5127 |
Paul, Monique | Accounts Receivable Coordinator | mpaul@suno.edu | 504-286-5322 |
Parker, Olen | Head Men's Baseball Coach | oparker@suno.edu | |
Pathak, Raj | Laboratory Tech II | rpathak@suno.edu | 504-286-5092 |
Patterson, Grady | Associate Comptroller | gpatterson@suno.edu | 504-286-5256 |
Payne, DeOrin | University Webmaster | dpayne@suno.edu | 504-286-5416 |
Pennier, Carsten | English Instructor | ||
Perry, Erieal | Student Success Coach | eperry@suno.edu | 504-286-5329 |
Perry, Melinda | Executive Online Director | mperry@suno.edu | 504-286-5205 |
Peters, Blossom | Academic Coach/Instructor SSS TRIO | bpeters@suno.edu | 504-286-5104 |
Peters, Jalisa | Writing Specialist | jpeters@suno.edu | |
Peterson, Angela | Custodian Supervisor A | apeterson@suno.edu | |
Phillips, Morkeith | Academic Advisor / Intervention Specialist | mphillips@suno.edu | 504-286-5286 |
Pittman, Jaylen | College Workstudy | ||
Poudel, Krishna | Assistant Professor, Business | n/a | n/a |
Price, Shecoya | Assistant Women's Volleyball Coach | sprice@suno.edu | |
Ramirez, Cynthia | Professor, Fine Arts | cramirez@suno.edu | 504-286-5207 |
Reed, David | Lifeguard | dreed@suno.edu | |
Richter, Mary "Polly" | Administrative Assistant III, Natural Sciences | prichter@suno.edu | 504-286-5245 |
Righteous, Carol | Instructional Coordinator | crighteous@suno.edu | |
Rivera-Brown, Lilia | Custodian 1 | ||
Roberts, Darryl S., Ph.D | Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice | droberts@suno.edu | 504-284-5401 |
Robertson, Clyde, Ph.D | Director, Center for African and African American Studies | crobertson@suno.edu | 504-286-5384 |
Robertson, Latisha | Tutor Coordinator, Upward Bound | lrobertson@suno.edu | |
Robertson, Patricia | Associate Professor, College of Business & Public Administration | probertson@suno.edu | 504-286-5333 |
Robinson, Alvin | Assistant Baseball Coach | arobinson@suno.edu | |
Rogers, Dominique | Police Officer 2 A | drogers@suno.edu | |
Rose, Tonya | Dean, College of Education & Human Development | trose@suno.edu | 504-284-5520 |
Roussel, Cynthia | Budget Manager/Post Award Administrator | croussel@suno.edu | |
Roux, Joseph | Police Officer 2 A | jroux@suno.edu | |
Rugon, Kim E., Ph.D | Vice-Chancellor, Institutional Advancement | krugon@suno.edu | 504-286-5342 |
Salem, Siraaj Z. | Disability Services Coordinator | SzSalem@suno.edu | (504)284-5472 |
Sam, Hattie | Instructor | hsam@suno.edu | |
Sanders, Torin T. | Title IV-E Certificate Prog. Director, Assistant Professor, Social Work | tsanders@suno.edu | 504-286-5055 |
Scott, Dr. Franklyn | Associate Professor, Criminal Justice | fscott@suno.edu | 504-284-5464 |
Sentino, Patrice | Associate Professor, Social Work | psentino@suno.edu | 504-284-5469 |
Sevalia, Robert | Field Liaison | rsevalia@suno.edu | 504-286-5278 |
Short, William | Police Sergeant A | wshort@suno.edu | 504-284-5496 |
Simien, Andrea E. | Director, Institutional Research | asimien@suno.edu | 504-286-5244 |
Singleton, Cartina | Graduate Admission Counselor | CaSingleton@suno.edu | 504-286-5235 |
Singleton, Dr. Cynthia | Professor of Mathematics | csingleton@suno.edu | 504-284-5479 |
Sisay, Dr. Nebiat | Associate Professor of Chemistry | nsisay@suno.edu | 504-286-5309 |
Smith, Amelia | Director, Grants & Contracts | asellers@suno.edu | 504-286-5211 |
Smith, Courtney | Director, Residential Housing | clsmith@suno.edu | |
Smith Jr., Darren E. Smith | Director of Marketing and Communications | dsmith01@suno.edu | 504-286-5344 |
Smith, Destinie S., M.S. | Head Women's Basketball Coach | destinie.smith@sus.edu | n/a |
Smith, Kelly D., DNP, APRN, PHCNS-BC, CNE | Dean, School of Nursing, Chair/Associate Professor | KSmith@suno.edu | 504-286-5023 |
Smith, Marie P. M.S. | Accounting Specialist/Instructor, Center for Comprehensive Communication | msmith@suno.edu | 504-286-5139 |
Smith, Sylvia | Office Manager | ssmith@suno.edu | 504-286-5321 |
Smith, Tina | Director of Field, Retention Counselor, Center for Academic Retention, and Educational Success (CARES) | tsmith@suno.edu | 504-284-5557 |
Smith-Ross, Camacia | Chief Of Staff | cross@suno.edu | 504-286-5311 |
Smothers, Tanisha | Nursing Instructor | tsmothers@suno.edu | 504-286-5066 |
Stanley, Kimberly | Assistant Professor/ Clinical and Field Experience Coordinator | KStanley@suno.edu | 504-286-5044 |
Staves, Darryl | Mobile Equip Operator 2 | dstaves@suno.edu | 504-286-5292 |
Stemmons, Warren | Network Administrator, Information Technology Center | wstemmon@suno.edu | 504-286-5228 |
Stephens, Theresa | Police Lieutenant A | ||
Steward, Garanique | Student Workers Bwkly/Law | ||
Taplin, Vonda | Director, Career Center | vtaplin@suno.edu | 504-286-5341 |
Tate, Dr. Anderson | Professor, Spanish | atate@suno.edu | 504-286-5035 |
Taylor, Bernette | Director of Human Resources | ttaylor@suno.edu | 504-286-5273 |
Thirsty, Charles | Science Instructor | cthirsty@suno.edu | 504-286-5280 |
Thomas, Richard | Police Officer 2A | rethomas@suno.edu | |
Thompson, Meiko, Ph.D | Associate Professor, Forensic Science | MThompson@suno.edu | 504-286-5307 |
Tietzel, Illya, Ph.D. | Professor of Biology | itietzel@suno.edu | 504-286-5111 |
Udeh, Igwe | Dean, College of Business and Public Administration, Alvin James Lawson Endowed Professor of Business and Co-Director of Accreditation, Reaffirmation and Review of Academic Programs | iudeh@suno.edu | 504-286-5330 |
Ukpolo, Victor | Professor of Business | vukpolo@suno.edu | 504-286-5311 |
Venable, Cindy | Blackboard Administrator, E-Learning | cvenable@suno.edu | 504-286-5166 |
Ware, Tineka | Educational Advisor, Educational Talent Search | tware@suno.edu | 504-286-5250 |
Washington, Karen M., M.S.W., C.S.W. | Administrative Assistant, Interdisciplinary Studies Program | Kwashington@suno.edu | 504-286-5150 |
Wehle, Arlean | Vice-Chancellor for Administration and Finance | awehle@suno.edu | 504-286-5348 |
West, Tyrane | Academic Advisor | twest@suno.edu | 504-284-5445 |
White, Celestin | Admission Counselor/Recruiter | cwhite@suno.edu | |
White, Frederick | Lab Network Technician | fwhite@suno.edu | 504-286-5138 |
Williams, Kenneth Ph.D, CISSP, ITiL v3 | Cybersecurity Program Director | klwilliams@suno.edu | (504) 286-5285 |
Williams, Francis | Maintenance Repairer Master | fjwilliams@suno.edu | |
Williams, Jamaal K. | Director, Student Activities & Organizations | jwilliams@suno.edu | (504)286-5086 |
Williams, Lorene | Custodian I | n/a | n/a |
Williams, Myrin | Lifeguard | mdwilliams@suno.edu | |
Wise, Tre' | Math Tutor | ||
Witt, Erika | Director and Chief Curator SUNOMA | Assistant Professor | ewitt@suno.edu | 504-286-5223 |
Wood, Shelia | Learning Management System Manager | swood@suno.edu | 504-286-5368 |
Woodfin, Amy | Bursar | ||
Woods, Constance | Director, Grants and Contracts, Connecting Minority Communities | cwoods@suno.edu | 504-286-5381 |
Woods, Kathy, M.A. | Academic Coach/Instructor, Student Support Services | kwoods@suno.edu | 504-286-5102 |
Yu, Yanjun | Associate Professor, Computer Information Systems | yyu@suno.edu | 504-286-5169 |
Zhen, Dr. Yi | LAMP Campus Coordinator, Associate Professor of Physics, MSEIP Project Coord/Data Analyst | yzhen@suno.edu | 504-286-5241 |