Quality Enhancement Plan Task Force
Dr. David Alijani
Professor & Chair, Computer Information Systems
Email: dalijani@suno.edu
Phone: 504-286-5142
Room: CBA 110
Dr. Kimberly Andrews, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success
Email: KAndrews@suno.edu
Phone: 504-286-5326
Room: BAB 127
Mr. Peter Bonnee, III
Communications Technologist, Information Technology Center/Title III Programs
Email: pbonnee@suno.edu
Phone: 504-284-5555
Room: ITC
Dr. Douglass Marshall
Assistant Professor of Communication/QEP Class Instructor
Email: dmarshall@suno.edu
Phone: 504-286-5013
Room: LCMC 433
Dr. Igwe Udeh
Professor of Business & Dean, College of Business & Public Administration
Email: iudeh@suno.edu
Phone: 504-286-5330
Room: CBA 212
Director of Quality Enhancement Plan (Secretary to Committee)
(Search in progress)
Email: TBA
Phone: TBA
Room: TBA