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Environmental Health and Safety

Mission Statement

The mission of the Environmental Health and Safety Office is to provide a safe and hazard-free environment for the students, faculty, staff and guests of Southern University At New Orleans. The department strives to comply with all existing Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA for labs), Office of Risk Management and State Fire Marshal rules and regulations.


Blood-borne Pathogen training

  1. Blood-borne Pathogen training User Management, SAP AG  , Click on link to access training. You will need your P-Number and your password to access. First time users will create a password. Once you have accessed the home page , please select “Success Factors” to gain access to the Library of training courses. Search for ORM Blood-borne Pathogen training. Once course has been completed a certificate of completion will need to be send to

Defensive Driving training

  1. Defensive Driving training along with the link User Management, SAP AG , Click on link to access training. You will need your P-Number and your password to access. First time users will create a password. Once you have accessed the home page, please select “ Success Factors” to gain access to the library of training courses. Search for ORM Defensive Driving training. Once course has been completed a certificate of completion will need to be send to



Comprehensive Loss Prevention Plan 


Building Coordinators 


First Aid Policy