Human Resources | Family Medical Leave (FMLA)
The FMLA entitles eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. Eligible employees are entitled to:
- Twelve workweeks of leave in a 12-month period for:
- the birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth;
the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement;
to care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition;
a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job;
any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a covered military member on “covered active duty;” or
- Twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness if the eligible employee is the servicemember’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin (military caregiver leave).
Employees are required to substitute paid leave for unpaid leave.
Parental Leave for Classified and Unclassified Employees
Through Executive Order, the State of Louisiana provides 100% paid parental leave for classified and unclassified employees. This is leave provides employees with time to bond with a child following the birth of a child or placement of a child under the age of 18 with the employee for adoption or foster care. Parental leave also allows adoptive and foster care parents to attend post-placement court proceedings and mandatory meetings related to the placement. To be eligible for this University-sponsored leave benefit, you must be the legal/adoptive/foster parent who:
- Has an active and ongoing role in parenting the child;
- Is in a leave-earning position on the date of the qualifying event; and
- Has worked for the State for the 12 months (and at least 1,250 hours) immediately preceding the date the parental leave begins.
This leave entitlement will run concurrently with any applicable FMLA leave designation and you will be afforded with 6 weeks (240 hours) of paid, parental leave.
Parental Leave Toolbox
Review the U.S. Department of Labor’s overview of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. This fact sheet explains the basics of the law, who is eligible, and provides examples on how it is to be used.
FMLA Frequently Asked Questions
Review the U.S. Department of Labor’s compilation of FAQs.
Form WH-380-E.
Use this form when requesting leave due to a serious health condition.
Form WH-380-F.
Use this form when requesting leave due to the serious health condition of a family member.
Form WH-384.
Use this form when the leave request arises out of the foreign deployment of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent.
Use this form when requesting leave to care for a family member who is a current service member with a serious injury or illness.
Use this form when requesting leave to care for a family member who is a covered veteran with a serious injury or illness.
Employees wishing to obtain more information should contact the Office of Human Resources Services for a confidential discussion of this program:
Office of Human Resources
Bernette Taylor, Director
6400 Press Dr.
New Orleans, LA 70126
Phone Number: 504-286-5273