Flexible Benefits
What is the OGB Flexible Benefits plan?
The State of Louisiana, Office of Group Benefit’s (OGB) Flexible Benefits plan allows you to pay for certain benefits before your money is taxed. So, for example, with a flexible benefit plan you can transfer money out of every paycheck and put it in a flexible spending arrangement account before it’s taxed.
Active employees of [SUNO] participating in an OGB Flexible Benefits plan may enroll in one or several Flexible Benefit plan options:
• General Purpose Health Care Flexible Spending Arrangement (GPFSA)
• Limited Purpose Dental/Vision Flexible Spending Arrangement (LPFSA)
• Dependent Care Flexible Spending Arrangement (DCFSA)
• Health Savings Account (HAS)
For detailed plan information or plan documents, please visit the State of Louisiana, Office of Group Benefits at: Flexible Benefits.