Mandatory Training
Each year, employees of the State of Louisiana and its Agencies, to include the Southern University System, are required to complete certain courses upon hire (within 90 days of employment), annually, or periodically. The completion rates for these various programs are reported to respective State Agencies as required by Louisiana Statute. Therefore, each month, the Office of Human Resources will send a reminder to encourage employees to complete these trainings. As a follow-up, supervisors will be sent a list of their employees (to include full-time, part-time, and adjuncts) who have not completed their required trainings. Supervisors will be accountable for their staff who do not timely complete and non-compliance will be a measurement for the annual performance appraisal.
Annual Trainings (and upon hire)
Preventing Sexual Harassment – This course is required of ALL employees and is designed to raise awareness regarding the prevention of sexual harassment. (1 – hour)
Preventing Sexual Harassment for Supervisors – This course, in addition to Preventing Sexual Harassment for All Employees, is required of ALL supervisory employees. This course is designed to raise the awareness of supervisors regarding the prevention of sexual harassment. (1 hour)
Cybersecurity Awareness – The course explains some of the most common cyber-attacks and the countermeasures you can take to avoid being a victim. (1 hour)
ADA Compliance – This course satisfies the training requirements mandated by the Office of the State Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator pursuant to La. R.S. 46:2595. In 2022, through the State As a Model Employer (SAME) initiative, the Louisiana state government committed to serving as a model employer by improving hiring, recruitment and retention of individuals with disabilities. (1 hour)
LA Code of Governmental Ethics – This course provides a general overview of the provisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics as it applies to public servants - elected officials, public employees and members of Boards and Commissions. (1 hour)
Specific questions related to mandatory, annual training courses can be directed to Bernette Taylor, Director of Human Resources & Agency Training Coordinator at
Training Upon Hire (within 90 days) and Periodic
ORM Bloodborne Pathogens – Provides employee with a general overview of safe work practices. Provides the necessary precautions to prevent exposure to a blood-borne pathogen. *This course is taken upon hire and every five years thereafter.
ORM Defensive Driving – This course provides employees with safe driving concepts and stimulates awareness of hazardous situations while driving. *If you drive a University vehicle OR drive your personal car while on University business, you are required to take this course upon hire and every three years thereafter.
Specific questions related to ORM training courses can be directed to Mr. Layton Lynch, Property & Safety Manager at
How to Access Training Courses
Click on the LaGov icon below to access your training. You will need your P-Number and your password to access. You are strongly encouraged to save your P-Number for future use as it will be required for mandatory and periodic trainings.
Once you have accessed the home page, please select “Success Factors” to gain access to the library of training courses.
Why put off tomorrow what you can do today!