Beginning January 1, 2024, the following changes will be in effect:
- A 6.15% premium rate increase for all BCBS Pelican and Magnolia Health Plans
- The Vantage Health Plans will no longer be available. Members enrolled in a Vantage health plan will have to select a new health plan for 2024.
- Life Insurance premium rate increase will not exceed $3.00/$1000 for actives and retirees
- New Flexible Spending Arrangement. OGB has selected a vendor and is in contract negotiations. Once OGB has a signed contract, information on the new FSA vendor will be sent to members.
2024 annual enrollment begins October 1 and ends November 15, 2023. This is your opportunity to evaluate your healthcare needs and select a plan best suited to you and your eligible covered dependents. If you would like to remain in your current OGB health plan with the same covered dependents for the 2024 plan year, you do not need to anything EXCEPT update your HSA and/or FSA contributions as applicable. Remember, members enrolled in the Pelican HSA775 and/or FSA options MUST update their contribution for 2024.
Join OGB at the meeting listed below to get details about your options. There are two classroom style presentations per day, each lasting about two hours. Interpreter for hearing-impaired members is available upon request.
October 24 University of New Orleans (University Center Ballroom) 2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, LA 70148 9:00 AM or 2:00 PM
- October 1, 2023 – 2024 OGB annual enrollment begins
- October 15, 2023– 2024 Medicare Advantage Plan(s) enrollment begins
- November 15, 2023 – OGB annual enrollment ends
- December 7, 2023 – Medicare Advantage Plan(s) enrollment ends
- January 1, 2024 –New plan year begins
More information on your health plan options, flexible spending arrangements, wellness programs and life insurance can be found on the OGB websites:
Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to review your current benefit elections and make any necessary changes. If you are satisfied with your current benefits and have no new dependents to add, take advantage of this Annual Benefits Enrollment period to review your benefit elections for accuracy and update your designated beneficiaries. If no changes are made, all elections except enrollments for Flexible Spending Accounts will carry over to the 2023 plan year; however, the costs will reflect the 2023 premium amounts.