Clery Act | Campus Security Authority Training

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training
This online training is intended to help you understand the federal requirements for reporting crimes on university campuses and should take about 30 minutes to complete. After reviewing the materials, click "Take the Test" and answer each test question with the most correct answer. You will need to achieve 100% to complete the training, and you can take the test more than once. After achieving 100% on the test, an email of "CSA Training Completion" will be emailed to you and the Southern University at New Orleans Police Department (SUNOPD).
Click or scan the QR code to take the Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training Quiz.
"Take the Test" and answer each test question with the most correct answer.
You will need to achieve 100% to complete the training, and you can take the test more than once. After achieving 100% on the test, an email of "CSA Training Completion" will be emailed to you.
If you are a CSA member and need assistance completing the CSA Crime Incident Report Form, please contact Clery Compliance Officer at (504) 286-5299 or