Medical Emergency
Medical emergencies include the loss of consciousness, loss of ability to communicate, chest pain, seizure, difficulty breathing, injury to the head and neck injury.
Call or direct someone to call 911 or SUNO Police at (504) 286-3355 immediately if you encounter an individual on campus who is experiencing a medical emergency.
Render first aid if properly trained. Report all medical injuries and accidents to the SUNO Police Department.
Give your name, location, and telephone number.
Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury or illness, whether or not the victim is conscious, etc.
Do not hang up until directed to do so by the emergency operator.
Return to the individual. Keep the individual as calm and comfortable as possible.
Remain with the individual until the ambulance or SUNO Police arrive.
Do not move a seriously injured person unless absolutely necessary to save his/her life.
Do not attempt to transport injured people yourself.
Police Officers are certified in the use of CPR, First Aid and AED’s. It is important that complete and accurate information be provided when requesting assistance.
Always call the SUNO Police Department as they will make the best determination if higher tier emergency response is needed.