Fire / Explosion
If there is a fire, explosion or smoke in your area:
Activate the fire alarm system on your way out of the building.
Leave your belongings behind.
If it is safe to do so, stabilize lab procedures, turn off stoves and ovens, and unplug or disable any device that could make a dangerous situation even worse.
Leave the building via the nearest exit.
Warn others as you leave. Assist any individual who requires assistance.
Do not use elevators.
Feel doors before opening; if the door is hot, do not open it.
To move through a smoke-clouded area, drop to your knees and crawl to the nearest evacuation exit.
Close (but do not lock) doors and windows as you leave, if safe to do so.
Call 911 once outside.
Remain at least five hundred (500) feet outside of the building and await further instructions.
Keep roadways open and beware of approaching emergency vehicles.
Notify emergency responders of anyone trapped, especially anyone with a physical disability who cannot evacuate.
Do not go back in the building for any reason until the SUNO Police Department deems it safe to re-enter.
If you are trapped:
Keep the doors closed and place a cloth under them to keep out smoke.
If a window is available, place an article of clothing outside the window as a marker for emergency personnel.
If no window is available, stay near the floor where the air may be less smoky.
Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency personnel of your location.