Message From The Chief
Welcome to Southern University at New Orleans. SUNO Police Department is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and secure environment for you to study, work, live and enjoy your college experience at this historic university.
The safety of our community depends on the dedication of the men and women who serve as police officers. They must demonstrate daily, their sensitivity to the particular needs of our community members. We achieve this goal by being approachable, knowledgeable, and steadfast in our efforts to provide excellent professional services.
When addressing the issues we face, we encourage a partnership approach from everyone. Yes, we challenge you, as a partner of our great community to join us in partnership to keep a safe campus by reporting any unusual activity you observe. We have excellent working relationships with our law enforcement partners, Orleans Levee District Police, University of New Orleans Police, and the New Orleans Police Department.
So please, take a few minutes and check out the many services and valuable information campus police has to offer. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our services and welcome your comments, suggestions, criticisms, complaints, and compliments so we can be better at what we do.
We put forward these words of a wise person who said: “Be the light that others can come to with their ideas, visions, and dreams. Never doubt that blending your talents with those of others can change the world.”
Please feel free to contact us at (504) 286-5290.
SUNOPD Mission