Human Resources | TRSL for Retirees
We hope that you are enjoying your retirement. We understand that from time to time, you may have questions about your retirement benefits. If you are experiencing issues or concerns related to your retirement, please contact the Office of Human Resources at:
Office of Human Resources
Angela Dunn
Benefits Manager
6400 Press Dr.
New Orleans, LA 70126
Phone Number: 504-286-5273
You may also contact the Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System (LASERS) directly by contacting Customer Service directly at (225) 925-6446 or (877) ASK-TRSL.
Phone or virtual counseling offered to members within 2 years of retirement or DROP eligibility.
Direct Deposits
Access the direct deposit forms needed for TRSL retirement benefits.
To provide clarification on provisions in the RTW laws, TRSL has compiled a list of frequently asked questions for each law that is applicable to the RTW group to which you belong.
DROP Withdrawals
Access a wide array of information related to DROP / ILSB withdrawals. Information such as the DROP handbook, IRS information, and interest rates can be found here on TRSL website.
Let TRSL’s Fact Sheet help you answer some of your questions! From questions such as “how do I change my address?” to the need for a frequently used forms such as direct deposit forms, this webpage will be extremely useful to you.