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Title III | Home

Dr. Brenda Wesley Jackson

Dr. Brenda Wesley Jackson

Vice-Chancellor for Research and Strategic Initiatives and Title III Programs Executive Director

The Title III Program, formerly known as the Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program (Part B), and commonly referred to as the Formula Grant Program, was first introduced on this campus in 1967 and has played a major role at Southern University at New Orleans. For more than 50 years, SUNO has been a recipient of Title III funds, which has helped the university establish and strengthen its academic programs and services, student development efforts, faculty development enhancements, information technology initiatives, physical plant improvements, and financial management support. Title III Programs help improve university programs, management and educational opportunities for students by providing financial assistance via federal grants and other funding sources. Title III funds continue to allow the University to fulfill its mission of empowering and promoting the upward mobility of all of our students through excellent academic programs and service.