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University Communication Request Protocol - Reminder

Protocol: Graphics and University Communication (University Offices and Programs)

To ensure consistent and high-quality communication, all graphics related to the University (excluding those for student organizations) must be created by the Office of Marketing and Communication. We will respond to your graphics request within one week. If you require further updates, please inform us, and we will respond to your updates within one week.
To submit a graphic design request, please complete the form available on the University's website. 
Please Note: There may be a delay if the office is occupied with other University emergency messages or external public relations matters. So, all offices must plan ahead and make sure they receive their graphics on time.


Protocol: Graphics (Student Organizations)

The Office of Communication may assist student organizations (such as SGA, Royal Court, etc.) with creating graphics if time permits. However, please note that the office must approve all graphics created by student clubs and organizations. To ensure consistency, student organizations should follow the guidelines outlined in the University Visual Identity Guide when designing graphics. Once a graphic is created, the student organization must submit it to Ms. Niara Woods at for approval. We will respond with updates within one week. Students are encouraged to plan ahead and accordingly to ensure the timely delivery of their graphics.

Protocol: University Website Updates

All updates and website requests should be submitted using the form available on the University's website.

Protocol: University Newsletter

Please note that all newsletter entries for the Monday newsletter, "This Week at SUNO," should be submitted by noon on Thursday of the week prior to the newsletter's distribution. If an office has any questions about their entry, they should submit it earlier to receive feedback from the Office of Communication. Newsletter requests should be sent to, and any related questions should be directed to

Protocol: Campus Blasts

The Office of Communication will determine which messages will receive its own email blasts and which messages will be included only in "This Week At SUNO." This determination is based on the relevance and importance of the message to the entire campus community, as our messages are sent to everyone, and we aim to be responsible for the number of updates we share with the campus.

Protocol: University Social Media Accounts

To ensure consistent branding and messaging, all new social media accounts related to the University must be created within the Office of Communication. The login credentials for the accounts will be shared with the appropriate offices. All existing accounts will be managed by their respective offices but monitored by the Office of Communication. It is mandatory for all offices to share their social media account passwords with Ms. Niara Woods in person. To book an appointment, please contact the Office of Communication. Please note that passwords should never be communicated via email or text.

Protocol: University Promotional Items

All promotional items, such as flyers, brochures, t-shirts, etc., that include the University name or its markings must be approved by the Office of Communication in a timely manner. Failure to obtain approval beforehand may result in the Office requesting the removal and non-distribution of the items.

Office of Communications - Office Hours

Please note that the Office of Communication is open to respond to your requests from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Thursday, and from 8:30 am until noon on Fridays.