Office of Veteran Services
To receive V.A. education benefits to pursue a program, an individual must maintain satisfactory attendance and progress. V.A. will discontinue educational assistance if you do not maintain satisfactory attendance and progress. Attendance is unsatisfactory if the student does not attend according to the regularly prescribed standards of the educational institution in which they are enrolled (38 U.S.C.3034, 3474).
- F is the grade assigned as of the date at which the student stops attending classes and is no longer receiving instruction.
- F.X. is the grade assigned when a student never attended.
F.X. and F are punitive grades and will be reported to V.A. immediately.
Per the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs regulations, our office is required to report any changes in your enrollment status (drop or withdraw). Please keep in mind that this can negatively affect your benefits when you drop a course or withdraw from the term. You may be billed by the University and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Debt Management Office will send an overpayment letter with instructions on how to resolve this matter. The VA determines the amount of the overpayment.
Drop/Add Courses
Reduction and increases in the student's enrollment may impact their V.A. education benefits. Students may want to consult the Veteran Affairs Office before making course adjustments.
VA will not pay education benefits to an individual for a course from which the individual withdraws or receives a non-punitive grade (W) which is not used in computing the requirements for graduation (38 U.S.C. 3680 and §21.4136).
Prior Credit Evaluation
Both the law and the regulations require schools to grant appropriate credit for prior training and experience. The current procedure provides for termination of V.A. education benefits if the school does not furnish an evaluation of prior credit within one (1) term (38 U.S.C. 3675(b)(2) and 3676(c)(4), and §21.4253(d)(3) and 4254(c)(4)).
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs defines prior credit as "the amount of credit allowed for previous education, training, and experience; including military training and experience." The portion of a student's military experience, A.P. credit, transfer credit, and so forth, which, when applied to the student's specific degree program, shortens that program.
Repeat Course Policy
Repeat courses in which a passing grade has already been received, including courses taken at another school, cannot be included in the V.A. enrollment certification.
Tuition Assistance
Military Tuition Assistance (T.A.)
Per The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Institutional Compliance Program (I.C.P.), Southern University of New Orleans follows policies for the military T.A. program granted to eligible members of the United States Armed Services.
Each branch has its eligibility requirement, and it is recommended that you speak with your Educational Services Officer (E.S.O.) to determine which education benefit(s) you may qualify for. Follow the links for information for your particular service:
- Air Force:
- Army:
- Coast Guard:
- Marines:
- Navy:
Before scheduling classes, approval is required by your unit’s E.S.O. Once you have received approval to use T.A., you must bring proof of eligibility to the Office of Veteran Affairs, University Center, Room 207. Veterans Affairs Coordinator will work with Financial Aid and the Comptroller's Office to clear you for the semester. This must be turned in before the university purge date listed on the academic calendar.
Return of Unearned TA Policy
Tuition Assistance is awarded to an eligible student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the total amount of T.A. funds initially awarded. To comply with the Department of Defense policy, SUNO will return any unearned T.A. funds on a prorated basis through at least the 60% portion of the term for which the funds were provided. T.A. funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when the student stops attending, as outlined below.
16-Week Course Withdrawal Submitted
- Before or during weeks 1-2: 100% return
- During weeks 3-4: 75% return
- During weeks 5-8: 50% return
- During week 9: 40% return (60%, of course, is completed)
- During weeks 10-16: 0% return
- 8-Week Course Withdrawal Submitted
- Before or during week 1: 100% return
- During week 2: 75% return
- During weeks 3-4: 50% return
- During week 5: 40% return (60%, of course, is completed)
- During weeks 6-8: 0% return
Reporting Aggressive and Intrusive Recruiting
SUNO recruiters, admissions counselors, and veteran affairs staff have been trained and instructed not to utilize overly aggressive recruitment tactics to allow prospective students to make autonomous and informed decisions regarding their enrollment and utilization of benefits. If you feel that you are being contacted repeatedly and persistently by SUNO, please email to be removed from our contact lists.
Cohort Loan Default Rate
SUNO Cohort Loan Default Rate for 2016 was 13.2, which is higher than the national average of 10.1 for 2016. To learn more about school default rates, to compare SUNO's to other schools' default rates, and to view SUNO's loan repayment data, click below to visit the Federal Student Aid website for the U.S. Department of Education.