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Clery Act | Timely Warnings/Crime Alert Bulletins

Your Safety Matters

The Southern University at New Orleans Police Department believes that a well-informed community is integral to maintaining the safest campus and facilities possible. It is the policy of SUNOPD to have the Chief of Police and/or designee confer as necessary and applicable with administrators, legal counsel, and surrounding law enforcement agencies after a violent crime occurs or a crime that is deemed by the Chief of Police and/or designee to represent a continuing threat to students, staff, faculty, or visitors and disseminate “timely warning” crime alert information within 24 to 48 hours, alerting the campus community. Bulletins also include prevention information to assist members of our educational community from becoming a victim of a similar crime. Bulletins shall include but are not limited to: Clery Act crimes that are reported to any campus security authority or the local police; or when the University determines that the incident represents an ongoing threat to the campus community. Additionally, SUNOPD may, in some circumstances, issue warnings when there is a pattern of crimes against persons or property.

These warnings are sent in various ways, including but not limited to e-mails, posters or bulletins, and social media. SUNOPD will issue these warnings whenever the following criteria are met:

A crime is committed;

  1. The perpetrator has not been apprehended; and
  2. There is a substantial and ongoing risk to the physical safety of other campus community members because of this crime.

SUNOPD provides this notice of a criminal incident (s) that occurred in our community to provide information that may help avoid a similar crime or provide information to solve this crime. Contact your SUNO Police Department if you have any information regarding this incident or any other incident. Call 911 (emergency) or 286-5290 (non-emergency).



For questions regarding Clery Compliance, please contact the Clery Compliance Officer at