Educational Talent Search Program
Educational Talent Search Program
6801 Press Drive
New Orleans, LA 70126
Phone – 504-286-5209
Fax – 504-284-5487
The Educational Talent Search Program (ETSP) is a federally funded project housed at Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) that offers services to students at target high schools (McDonogh 35 and John F. Kennedy), to high school dropouts and post-secondary stop-outs in Orleans Parish.
The program is designed to provide information, assistance, and motivation to all eligible participants who desire to continue and complete their secondary education (high school or Graduate Equivalency Diploma) and move into post-secondary education areas such as college, vocational/technical school, and apprenticeship programs prepared and confident. The major thrust of ETSP is to provide assistance with access to educational opportunities so that participants may move with self-reliance into a meaningful and productive future.
Services provided by ETSP include tutoring, career guidance, academic counseling, counseling in personal development, assistance in gaining admission to postsecondary educational programs, help to obtain financial aid, and college and cultural tours. These services are provided through a comprehensive counseling package which has been developed by the ETSP staff. This counseling package is presented in individual and group counseling sessions which are conducted throughout the year by the ETSP advisors at the target schools or on campus. Each session is geared toward academic persistence by assisting participants in resuming, continuing, and/or furthering their education. he summer component provides tutoring and partnerships with appropriate mentors on the campus of Southern University at New Orleans/ meals, transportation, and trips are provided free of charge.
Our mission is to provide information and inspiration for future self-reliance.
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Participant Eligibility
Two-thirds of the students participating in the Educational Talent Search Program must:
- Must be 11-27 years of age (we can serve persons over 27);
- Reside in the target parish;
- Have family incomes which satisfy established low-income level,
- Be potential first-generation college students (neither parent holds a four-year degree)
Ms. Amelia B. Sellers
Office: College of Education and Human Development, Room 213
Office Phone: (504) 286-5211
E-Fax: (504) 284-5487
Ms. Kimberly M. Johnson
Assistant Director
Office: College of Education and Human Development, Room 211
Office Phone: (504) 284-5497
E-Fax: (504) 284-5487
Ms. Tineka Ware
Educational Advisor
Office: College of Education and Human Development, Room 210
Office Phone: (504) 286-5250
E-Fax: (504) 284-5487
Nykia McCray
Educational Advisor
Office: College of Education and Human Development, Room 201
Office Phone: (504) 286-5209
E-Fax: (504) 284-5487