A MESSAGE FROM Enrollment Management and Student Success Division of Enrollment Management and Student Success
Happy First Day of Summer 2024 at SUNO!
Ensure you receive the green confirmation message that states you have completed the registration process via self-service banner to avoid being purged (removed from classes). The purge will take place on June 5, 2024.
See attached instructions on completing enrollment. Good News!!! This process can be completed 100% online. If you have questions or run into an issue, please email bursar@suno.edu || 504.286.5322
Please connect with your professor in the event you are unable to make it to class and always provide an official excuse to avoid being penalized.
If you need accommodations, please connect with Ms. Salem (szsalem@suno.edu). Do not wait until the last minute. This must be done ASAP!
All textbooks are e-book and can be found on your Brytewave shelf. The bookstore is located in the University Center (Student Union) on the first floor if you need assistance.
Always communicate to professional staff via your "my.suno.edu" or "sus" email address NOT YOUR Personal email
Arrive to class on time and avoid using excuses! Hold yourself accountable and find an accountability partner.
Be sure to check Canvas and your course schedule in Self-Service Banner. Everything MUST match!! In the event a course is not showing in Canvas, be sure to email swood@suno.edu and copy your professor. Professors must "publish" their course in order for you to view the content.
Brainfuse FREE 24/7 Virtual Tutoring is embedded in your Canvas account. Please check the left hand side of your Canvas towards the bottom
Get in contact with your advisor. Freshman and Sophomore Success Coaches are located on the 1st floor of Bashful. If you are a Junior or Senior your Faculty Advisor can be contacted via email.
Student Success Coach and Advising List: https://www.suno.edu/page/
I am extremely proud that you made it this far. Keep going and never allow small circumstances defeat you!!!! #SUNOyouKNOW
Yours in Gold and Blue,
Zackeus D. Johnson, Ph.D.
Vice-Chancellor, Enrollment Management and Student Success
Division of Enrollment Management and Student Success
6400 SUNO Knights Drive
Emmett W. Bashful Administration Building, Room 137
New Orleans, LA 70126
Office Ph: 504-286-5040
Cell Ph: 504-901-3867