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- Instructions for Completing Enrollment
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- Accessing 1098T Information
- E-Books
- Cafe Cash
- Payment Plans
- Tuition/Fee Exemptions and Waivers
- Refund Policy/Information
- Tuition and Fee Adjustments
- Non-Refundable Fees
- Outstanding Balances
- Policies
- Comptroller's Office
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs For Students
How do I get a class schedule?
New Student?
Please see an advisor in the college of your major (during open registration).
Returning Student?
Please login to your Banner Self-Serve Account & select your classes.
Print Your Class Schedule
Step 1: Select Student,
Step 2: Select Registration,
Step 3: Select Concise Student Schedule,
Step 4: Select File
What’s my Banner Student Number & Pin?
You may use your SSN to login to Banner and the system will convert it to your Banner Student Number. Your Pin Number is your birth date in the MMDDYY format (ex. March 31, 1994 = 033194). If you have problems logging in, please contact someone in the Registrar’s Office or dial (504) 286-5175 for assistance.
How do I receive my refund?
SUNO delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information: https://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/.
Do I need to see the Registrar’s Office?
The only time you will need to visit the Registrar’s Office is if you need to enroll in an independent study course, if you wish to cross-enroll, or if you need to take an overload for the current term. All Re-Admits must visit the Registrar’s Office located in the Administration Building, Rm. 212; please be advised that there is a $20 re-admit fee that must be paid to the Cashier.
What about my Financial Aid?
If you accepted your initial Financial Aid Award in the Fall or Spring term there is not a separate acceptance during the Summer term. Your Aid should be available for processing; if you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to consult with one of our professionals in the Office of Student Financial Aid.
NOTE: If you submitted a SAP Appeal (which included your Academic Plan) for the previous semester, please review your Academic Plan to make sure you met your Academic goals. If you have misplaced it, please consult your academic advisor.
When will my registration refund be available?
Provided that a student’s Financial Aid, Scholarships, and or Stipends have posted to their BANNER Student Account, Registration Refunds will be disbursed to your selected refund preference with BankMobile.
For more information about BankMobile, visit this link: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/
To view our institution's contract with BankMobile, a Division of Customer Bank, click here.
Out of State Waiver Information
Café Cash
This non-refundable student imposed fee is assessed to every registered student attending class on campus during the Fall & Spring semesters. Café Cash is accessible by way of your student ID card and funds may be used at the SUNO Knight’s Dining Hall (located at the rear of the main campus) and at the Aramark POD (located in the Student UC). All special dietary request should be addressed to Knight’s Dining Management by the 14th day of class. Request made after the 14th class day will not be honored.
How do I access my student email?
To access your SUNO email account, go to:
Your email address is the first letter of your first name, the first three letters of your last name, your birth month, and birth date, followed by @my.suno.edu (ex. Jane Jones born on March 31, 1994 = JJon0331@my.suno.edu).
Student ID Cards
Students must be enrolled in the current semester to get a SUNO ID Card. Student ID Cards are now Digital. You will receive an email to your MY.SUNO.EDU email account with instructions on how to process your Digital ID Card using an ID app on your mobile device. If you have questions or need further assistance, call the Information Technology Center Service Desk at 504-286-5237.
How to opt-out of the E-Books Program?
Visit https://www.suno.edu/page/follett-access-textbook-program
When will I receive my refund?
Once all payments and credits (e.g. title IV student financial aid, scholarships, military benefits, etc.) have posted to your BANNER Student account, any excess credit (-) balance will be refunded to you. The Federal Government allows schools 14 days to process excess student credit balances. All student credit balance refunds are processed by the Bursar’s Office and are provided to students within 14 days from the date the funds are disbursed to your student account.
Do I need a new Parking Permit?
Yes! Parking Permits are required every semester. Fees are as follows:
$25 – Students, Faculty, & Staff General Parking (per semester)
$60 – Students, Faculty, & Staff General Parking (annually)
$35 – Student Housing (per semester)
$30 – Horseshoe Lot - Faculty & Staff preferred parking (semester)
$80 – Horseshoe Lot - Faculty & Staff preferred parking (annually)
$125 – Reserved Parking Spots