Student ID Cards are Digital. Students must be enrolled in the current semester to receive a SUNO ID Card. You will receive an email to your MY.SUNO.EDU email account with instructions on how to process your Digital ID Card using an ID app on your mobile device. If you have questions or need further assistance, contact the Service Desk via phone at 504-286-5237 or email
Employee ID Cards can be obtained by appointment only at the Information Technology Center. Appointments can be scheduled by clicking here or calling 504-286-5237.
Faculty and staff must be currently employed to receive a SUNO ID Card. Employee ID Cards are printed. The initial card is provided at no cost. You must present some other form of identification (picture ID) to obtain a SUNO ID Card. All Employees are encouraged to carry their SUNO ID cards while on campus.
Employee Replacement Cards
Only current faculty and staff may receive replacement Employee ID cards. Cards that are being replaced because they are damaged or the information is outdated are available at no cost. For this no cost-benefit, you must relinquish the previous card. Cards that are being replaced because the previous card was lost or stolen will require a $10.00 fee payable at the Cashier Window in the Administration Building.