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Social Sciences | Faculty

Dr. Ashley Ojo, LPC-S, NCC

Interim Chair, Department of Social Sciences

Psychology Program Coordinator 

Assistant Professor of Psychology 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 313 

Teaching Areas: General Psychology, Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Psychological Testing and Assessment, Clinical Diagnosis, Psychology Internship, Ethics in Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Crisis and Group Counseling, and Counseling Techniques 

Research Interests: African American clinical response to therapeutic interventions for Depression, Anxiety and Trauma, psychological and emotional impacts of long COVID-19 diagnosis on individuals and families, psychological and emotional effects of gun violence on New Orleans residents ages 18 and older 


Dr. George Amedee

Professor of Political Science

Former, Emmett W. Bashful Endowed Chair 

Pre-Law Advisor 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 355


Teaching Areas: American Government, State and Local Government, Urban Government, International Relations, Public Policy, Public Administration, Political Theory, African American Politics, African American Political Leadership and Politics of Developing Nations

Research Interests: American Government, and Minority Politics, Urban Planning and Community Development, Public Policy and Administration 


Dr. Raymond Delaney

Criminal Justice Graduate Program Coordinator 

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 357


Teaching Areas: Legal and Policies, Ethics and Leadership

Research Interests: Leadership and management practices in Criminal Justice, Higher Education, Business and Entrepreneurship


Dr. Franklyn Scott

Criminal Justice Undergraduate Program Coordinator 

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 353


Teaching Areas: Criminal Justice Research

Research Interests: Understanding COVID-19 and crime rates


Judge Harry E. Cantrell Jr. (RET)

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice 

Pre-Law Advisor 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 363



Teaching Areas: Criminal Law and Procedure

Research Interests: Criminal Law and Procedure, Criminal Court


Dr. Kenneth Foy

Associate Professor of Psychology

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 354


Teaching Areas: Abnormal Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Family Psychology, General Psychology, Personality Theories, Seminar in Black Psychology, and Special Topics in Psychology

Research Interests: Addiction, individual and family counseling techniques


Dr. Jay Seitz

Associate Professor of Psychology

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 361


Teaching Areas: Biopsychology; Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Elementary Statistics, General Psychology; History of Psychology

Research Interests: (1) Origins of Human Cognition and Creative Thought, (2) Do Nootropic and Promnestic Phytonutrients Enhance Human Cognition? (3) Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Motor and Movement Disorders (4) Use of Alternative Dispatch Programs in NOLA and in the NOPD


Dr. Darryl Roberts

Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice 

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 358


Teaching Areas: Evidence, Corrections Process

Juvenile Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Criminology 

Crime and Social Behavior, Women and Crime in Criminal Justice, Special Topics in Criminal Justice, Crime and Social Causation, Criminal Law and Procedure, Adjudication Process

Research Interests: Criminal Investigation, Law Enforcement and PolicingPolice Policy and Procedures, Criminology and Criminal Profiling, Juvenile Delinquent Behavior

Criminal Law and Legal Procedure, Restorative Justice

Correction, Probation, Parole and Community Corrections 


Dr. Joseph Coleman

Associate Professor of Psychology

Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 364


Teaching Areas: Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Seminar in Black Psychology, Seminar for Psychology Majors 

Research Interests: Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology



Brenda Russell
Administrative Assistant 
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Room 314 