School of Nursing | General Information
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N) degree program prepares a generalist in nursing with leadership skills, basic research abilities, and a holistic health approach to professional nursing with a focus on the community. A broad foundation in science and liberal arts enables the professional nurse to enter into the collaborative healthcare process in various settings.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is the foundation for professional nursing practice. The professional nurse practices in collaboration with other healthcare providers and is responsible for coordinating comprehensive nursing care for individuals, families, groups, and communities, and assuming management and leadership positions in nursing practice.
The course of study that meets the degree requirements and the University’s General Education Program Requirements is planned with the student through regular advising sessions each semester.
The curriculum plan is based on a four-year, 120 credit hours program, which includes prerequisites nursing courses, University general education requirements, and upper division courses in the nursing major. For more information on the BSN Curriculum Plan, please review the latest SUNO Catalog or visit the Office of Admissions.
Candidates of any nursing program who have been convicted of a violation of the law other than a minor traffic violation (i.e., misdemeanor and or/ felony) may be denied a license to practice as a registered nurse by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing. Questions about eligibility for licensure should be directed to the Louisiana State Board of Nursing at (225)-755-7500
Southern University at New Orleans - School of Nursing has Initial approval
from the Louisiana State Board of Nursing (
The Baccalaureate Degree Program in Nursing at Southern University at New Orleans is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
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